Akastski Secret (Di...
By IcerrFoxx03
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • completed
  • curse
  • diaboliklovers
  • dialovers
  • dl
  • fanfiction
  • femalereader
  • mukami
  • mukamibrothers
  • sakamaki
  • sakamakibrothers
  • spirit
  • vampires
  • wattys2017
  • xreader


Akastski... Is there a history behind the name? Or are there only lies and deceit? Two Prophecies that intertwine like Time and Fate... Time and Fate may be entirely different, but they connect on a deeper level. As do the two Prophecies mentioned. One Prophecy foretells the future of (Y/n)... A half-vampire born of a cruel vampire father, and human mother. Soon after her second birthday, a spirit came and took over part of (Y/n)'s subconscious mind. That spirit, was not a pure one, but one of obsessed love... An obsessed soul... An Archfiend's Prophecy... A Prophecy that foretells the future of a 15-16 year old girl, who now resides in the Sakamaki mansion... She's now had three homes... The Mukamis... (from ages 7-8) The Akastskis... (from ages 8-15) The Sakamakis... (from ages 15-?) But even before that... What went on? What is (Y/n)'s past? Each family is now intertwined with (Y/n)'s own destiny... Her own fate... Is there a bigger secret behind the name of (Y/n) Akastski? Have the Mukami brothers ever forgotten (Y/n)? Where have her "brothers" from the Akastski family gone? How will (Y/n) Akastski's future turn out? Will (Y/n)'s dreams and nightmares save her from the everlasting haunting of her soul? Will she choose the path of red? Or the path of blood? Find out in this vampire tale... [[Book 1-Akastski Secret]] [[Book 2-Akastski Secret: Special Curse]] //Published: March 21, 2016\\ //Completed: July 9, 2017\\ [Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DL characters and I do not own you! Any photos or videos I may use do belong to their rightful owners. The only characters I own are the Akastski brothers, Rai, Ren, and your first family.]

The Arrival To The Sakamaki Residence

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by IcerrFoxx03