Heartfelt Nightmare
By AshaTumaidillon
  • Short Story
  • goodgirlgonebad
  • loyalishardtofind
  • onceabadboyalwaysabadboy


14 year old, Ashley Walters and her family have just moved from a small town in New Zealand to a large well-known city in Australia, With Ashley being 14 years old, she is still in high school. This meaning Ashley has to attend a new high school in a place where she has never lived and doesn't know anyone.On Ashleys first day of school she makes a really good friend named Loretta who helps Ashley alot, And like Ashley, Loretta is also a new girl.This making it easy for them to get along and help each other find classes and things.Everything is going well with Ashley until, The fourth week of school in English class she notices a boy staring at her, He is very tall, tanned skin and very good looking. Ashley has heard of this boy, Her friends have warned her about him. He is a football player, A bad boy and a real lady's man,His name is Sabin Simpson.After a week and a half of sharing eye contact and exchanging smiles Ashley and Sabin begin talking in class and over social media.One day Sabin decides to ask Ashley to be his girlfriend and of course Ashley being an overwhelmed, hormonal teenager says yes without thinking about the later consequences.Sabin and Ashlee have now been dating for 3 weeks they have broken up 3 times but got back together within the space of 24 hours. Ashley has tons of friends who support her decision to stay with Sabin but Ashley starts to notice that Sabin seems uninterested in her.Will Ashley and Sabin continue dating or will they end things.....

The new school

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by AshaTumaidillon