Window View (Incom...
By StrippedCocainee_
  • Short Story
  • fiction
  • shortstory
  • urban


When all you wanted was to enjoy life without any drama , you seek for perfection so that's what you will run for . When that opportunity comes , you will capture that moment despite the pain it strives you to endure . Over all it's drama free , it's your personal window view to a better life but it's not always so perfect . | Lani Carol is a pure teen who's only goal is to be happy . At this point of time , she doesn't realize the struggle of actually gaining that true happiness . She then meets Haze Webster . He's an adult who's only focus is to gain wealth and power . When he sees how miserable and vulnerable Lani is , he will surely take an advantage of her weaknesses . He'll show her around and introduce to her the good life outside the city but will it really be the good life that he's convincing her that she should pursue ?

1 .

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Window Vi...
by StrippedCocainee_