By jessigal
  • Romance
  • nerd
  • teenage


Jade Paker is the niece of Cara Stadocks, Hollywoods #1 actress but is adamant to tell nobody in school. Her parents unfortunately were killed in a car accident when she was 10 years old and her biggest problem was her #1 bully, Max Anderson and his egolistical and self-obsessed girlfriend, Maria West. They both made her life a living hell and she constanstly suffered without saying a word when one day, Max told her that she was the reason her parents died and thats when she slapped the most popular guy in Whiteson High School and flipped. Soon, WHS' most dangerous and hottest jerk got bailed out of jail for a twisted story which bites Jade in the ass later in the book... After connecting the dots... she finally realizes that Max Anderson deserved ball-sacking pain for causing so much pain in her life and so had one and only aim... to get revenge but then Max confesses about falling in love with her... and then there was the other jock looking at her with his dangerous eyes and taking her breath away every time with his leather jackets and cockiness. With a mixture of wrestling fights, break-ups and egolistical hotties, you've got yourself the perfect traingle.


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by jessigal