One Big Lie // DISC...
By spillthefuckinteasis
  • Fanfiction
  • fairytail
  • levy
  • lucy
  • rogue
  • sticy
  • stilu
  • sting
  • stinglu


Her whole life was a lie. Everything she told them was a lie. She said she didn't want to tell anyone, She didn't trust them. They were stupid, They betrayed their Nakama They were the ones to triggered her secret. They are the ones who will pay. - Levy. **************************************************************************** I can't believe it. To think this is who she really is. This is her true power. How strong she is. Her past was worse then the one she told us. And I made it worse. I cause her more suffering. She loved me. But I betrayed her, sadden her, humiliated her. - Natsu **************************************************************************** I hurt her. The girl who looked up to me. Who said I was like a sister she never had. I betrayed her. For what? Power. To be number one. I want to ask for forgiveness but I know, I need to do more then say sorry. - Erza. **************************************************************************** They hurt her. And now they're guilty. They regret it. They are sad. But they deserve it. I may not have none her like they did. But I know she's a sweet and caring girl. - Lisanna. ***************************************************************************** I Hurt Her! Why did i?. I should've I stood up for her. Block all the magic coming her way. Talk to her, not ignore her. Be the older brother she never had! But I wasn't. I hurt so bad, That I even hate myself. - Gray ***************************************************************************** I'm surprised. Who knew Blondie had so much power. Even without the power, She is strong. Both Physically and Mentally. She never gave in or up. She believed in herself. And she got on her feet. And look where she is now. Above everyone else. Even if she's not in my guild, yet. That's the true Blondie. My girl.- Sting ******************************************************* This is a Stinglu and Rogue x Levy story. I hope you'll like the fan fiction!!!


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One Big L...
by spillthefuckinteasis