The Thing About Par...
By -recumbentibus
  • Short Story


When you take a second to consider it, it's funny how easy it is for you to breathe or for your heart to beat. Seven billion people are doing it as you read and yet not one of them has to think about it. Not one of them, except for Parker. You see, the thing about Parker, is that he sees everything, and he hears everything; it's the one thing - above all else - that she love about him. But, the thing about seeing everything, and hearing everything, is that it also means that (no matter how hard you try not to) you feel everything. So Parker finds it hard to breathe, and his heart finds it hard to beat. Sometimes he just... forgers and he needs someone there to remind him. That's the thing about Parker.

The Thing About Parker

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The Thing...
by -recumbentibus