The Guardian Book-1...
By Jumpin-J
  • Fantasy


Magic, many believe that it's not real while others believe that it's the cause of everything we can't explain. There are different worlds separate from ours with the creatures that are told about in legends. There could be millions of different worlds where different kinds of creatures live. On earth, these creatures are hidden among humans hoping to stay that way. Humans don't have magic like these other creatures, but are working on finding a way to gain those powers that he creatures hold. These creatures could possibly change the world for better or worse. They want to stay hidden from the human. They want to continue living amongst them like they belong there. They envy the humans. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Maybe not knowing is what's best for them. They wouldn't have to fear what is walking beside them. They might never know what monster is walking right next to them.

Chapter- The Bond

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The Guard...
by Jumpin-J