Night Terrors
By alexusken4
  • Fantasy
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • mysterious
  • night
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • terror


" There's always a man next me. I never see his face I only hear his voice, and he says the same two words every time." I say with my voice finally cracking and my eyes on the verge of tears. Johns waits for me finish, but when he sees that I'm not he asks the one question that sent me over the edge. "What does he say?" I couldn't stop the tear from falling when I said, "Give up." Destiny is your average student. She gets good grades, but she mainly keeps to herself. She has friends, but she still remains alone. She likes it better that way. However, lately the girl that keeps to herself gets terrorized in her dreams. Destiny starts having nightmares that are so vivid it seems real. She's being haunted by something or someone so unfamiliar to her. She no longer sleeps. She's forced to stay awake to keep from the man that haunts her thoughts. But what happens if her dreams aren't just dreams? What if they're real? What if the man that terrorizes her is somewhere on this earth? How will Destiny coup when she finally faces the man that's not only giving her sleepless nights, but night terrors.


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Night Ter...
by alexusken4