The psychopath next...
By VolumeStruck
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You've just gotten kicked out of your moms house, and now you're stuck in some shady ass part of town in a shitty apartment. It seems like your life is officially fucked, and it can't get much worse. Or so you thought. Unfortunately for you, life is never so simple. It has to fuck you over in every way possible, and this is just the beginning. You soon discover that there's a psychotic man who appears to have a fetish for guns and skin tight suits next door- and now you have to tolerate his antics and relentless flirting, as well as the endless amount of criminals, superheroes, and crazy people that tend to show up around him. And maybe, despite the trouble he brings- you start to like him. Maybe. You just don't want to admit it.

The Psycho Next Door

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The psych...
by VolumeStruck