Angels soaring.
By coconutsea
  • Romance
  • second
  • secondstory
  • story
  • yay


"I really don't want to do this, Ashlee." •it was Valentine's Day, and Jason was in the bathroom. I had gotten him something to wear, and he was super embarrassed wearing it.• "You'll look adorable, Jason!" •he really didn't want to come out, but eventually, he opened the door and stepped out into my room wearing a pink suit, purple tie, and a pink bow in his hair.• "Aw, Jason! You look so cute In that!" "I'm going to kill you." "You love me too much to do that." •I knew Jason didn't mean what he said. He would always say things like that, but he was never angry.• "Can I take it off now?" •I really didn't want him to take it off, but I decided it was okay as long as he promised to wear it to the Valentine's Day dance at the park• "Promise me you'll wear it to the dance today?" "Even the bow? Ashlee!" "Even the bow. Please Jason!" •Jason hesitated for a moment.• "Only if you promise to wear what I got you." •there was a bit of naughtiness in his eyes, and I had several ideas of what he had gotten me.• ••THIS BOOK IS NOT TOO BAD, BUT THERE ARE SOME THINGS THAT MAY BE INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER USERS.•• -chu have been warned x3-

Valentines day.

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Angels so...
by coconutsea