Memories of the Fro...
By G-Maknae
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • anime
  • animefanfiction
  • bleach
  • bleachfanfiction
  • childhood
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • hinamori
  • hinamorimomo
  • hinamorixoc
  • hitsugaya
  • kuchiki
  • ocstory
  • ocxoc
  • originalcharacter
  • rukia
  • sakura
  • shoujo
  • toshiro
  • toshirohitsugaya
  • toshiroxoc
  • zanpakuto


"There was a story that I've read before that I find a liking to it, because of the characters, it's plot and the emotions that was carved into every page of it. It's about a man and had a friend whose name has the same meaning as yours." "Does it mean flower too?" "Yes, a typical flower that blooms every season of spring and had a meaning that life is overwhelmingly beautiful, but it's tragically short," he says as he watches the branch of the cherry blossom tree dances with the wind. "That name really suits her. It sounded so much like her," he utters. "What do you mean?" "You know, why the man cry for his friend?" A bitter smile curved on his lips and turned his gaze at her, "Because she can't remember him. Like her memories of her past were frozen.." DISCLAIMER: I don't own Bleach....Only my OC(s) and this fanfiction. Happy readings :) #SHOUJO

❄️Chapter One

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by G-Maknae