Calculus II
By lavenderstar
  • Short Story
  • astronomer
  • astronomy
  • bath
  • calculus
  • clue
  • freewriting
  • garden
  • guilty
  • humor
  • math
  • murder
  • murderer
  • mystery
  • plebeian
  • roman
  • severus
  • silly
  • teen
  • writingprompt


It looks like a math textbook, doesn't it? Well, it's not. This is something far less sinister. This is a story of a murder. ~*~ Calculus II is the son of Abacus and her husband Calculus I, two Roman plebeians who serve Emperor Mathematicus. Unfortunately, life as a common plebeian is not all it's cracked up to be. For starters, plebeians aren't allowed to attend school, so Cal has to come up with his own methods of staving off boredom. Luckily, he and his friends stumble across a crime scene, and decide that solving the problem of the mystery murderer is just the thing they need to exercise their brain cells. As their calculations finally start to add up, only one question remains: will they come to the right answer? Disclaimer I: This book does not really teach anything math-related. In fact, this book does not really teach much of anything-related. Disclaimer II: This book may contain the occasional Harry Potter reference. Disclaimer III: This book does not contain Arabic numerals.

I. The Odds of Murder

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by lavenderstar