There Are No Limits...
By Awesomaiya
  • Fanfiction
  • allen
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  • barry
  • believe
  • caitlin
  • cisco
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • flash
  • impossiblypossible
  • love
  • nolimits
  • romance
  • snow
  • snowbarry
  • superhumans


Who the hell said the sky HAD to be the limit? We're roaming the freakin galaxies. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»««««««««««««««««««««««« Barry lives in a city where the word "impossible" is no longer considered a word. He experiences crazy things that most people would think of as being impossible He is impossible himself... He feels strongly for his best friend Caitlin Snow ever since they were children. Ever since he knew how true love really felt like. Caitlin Snow may also be unique herself and has no clue. All his life he has been bullied...although his childhood bullies didn't carry through with him to college, he still felt like he needed to prove them wrong. He needed to prove everyone wrong for doubting him. He makes a few friends on the way that stay by his side. He also reunites with a friend from high school and they reveal each other's secrets... This is an emotional yet impossible journey.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *THIS IS A FAN-FICTION ABOUT THE FLASH* ~All rights to CW and DC comics~

1-Just Believe

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There Are...
by Awesomaiya