Just One a Person...
By wingedrocker414
  • Fanfiction
  • bandfic
  • beegees
  • bowie
  • queen
  • rockfic


What would the world be like today if Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, and the rest of the Bee Gees never died? Where would Queen end up? What if Blackstar was recorded, only for its beauty and not its deep meaning? What would all of these second generations look like and how would they handle life's situations thrown at them every day? Meet Conway Mercury, the first son of Freddie Mercury from Queen. Born from a surrogate mother, he only remembers life with is two dads, including Jim Hutton, and his little brother Austin, who's namesake is the last name of the late Mary Austin. Their adventures as normal kids and icons in the media can lead them to puzzling issues, like rappers and politics. They won't let the media shoot them down, for they may be the most important people in this future.

Conway, Not Kanye

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Just One...
by wingedrocker414