Entwined (A Pavel C...
By xalwaysxx13
  • Fanfiction


Genesis Flores goes onboard the Enterprise after graduating early. She was not expecting to see someone around her age on the ship. So what happens when they both get feelings for each other but neither wants to do or say anything for fear of losing the other as a friend? And what happens when they, Captain Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Sulu are thrown into an unexpected mission? Does someone get hurt on the mission? Will someone die? Will this author go on "Moffat mode" on the readers and kill off all the characters you know and love or write a giant plot twist or make something incredibly heart-wrenching occur? Or will she make good fortune come their way? Will this author stop asking questions? There is only one way to find out if the young couple will survive. Literally. So will someone die or will the pair end up together, with their hearts entwined? Rated M for Chapter 7 and onwards. (( CURRENTLY UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION. MINOR PLOT CHANGES WILL OCCUR AND THERE IS A TEMPORARY HIATUS. 7/1/15 ))

Chapter I ~ First Time on the Enterprise

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by xalwaysxx13