By AaPaul5
  • Teen Fiction


"Tread gently!" You would think I was walking on eggshell or on a field of mines but she was simply telling me to go gently on issue of romantic relationship. I did not bother to imagine what else a youth counselor would say if not to go softly on matters relating to the heart and sex! "Some decades ago, a state in the United States of America surveyed one thousand young men between ages 15 and 21, and asked them if they felt it was all right to lie to a girl about being in love with her in order to get her to have sex. A whopping 70 percent of them said ''Yes''.* Today this affirmative response is far higher in opposite sex relationship than it was decades back. This survey simply shows how the thin line between relationship and sex is daily falsified on the altar of love or lust." She swung opened the drawer underneath her chrome-topped desk, pulled out a book, and slid it towards me. "Sex Swindles is a short collection of sex intelligence stories that make you know when he or she is telling a lie and makes you know what the truth is. It contains all the common and popular lies people use to dupe, trick, cheat, mislead and defraud members of the opposite sex into sex and the truth to keep and maintain your virtue and dignity, fully bearing in mind the injunction of Colossians 2:8,9." She would expect to recite that passage of the Book of Life to her in my next appointment. I splayed my fingers around the edges and raised the book to my sight. The cover had a picture of bitten wine color apple dangling on a line. It sure looked interesting. With the state of my heart and life right now I would grab at a straw -any straw. I thanked her, opened to chapter one, and started reading as I walked out her office. Till we meet again, Keep the love, A.A.PAUL or visit *Planned Parenthood of Chicago; cited on page 11, How to Talk with Your Child about Sexuality, first edition, by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Chapter 1

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by AaPaul5