The Rose- A Chicago...
By Hopeless-Romantic89
  • Fanfiction
  • antoniodawson
  • chicagopd
  • dawson
  • drama
  • family
  • halstead
  • love
  • romance


Chicago PD Fanfiction... Laura left Antonio because he'd been shot and insisted on going back to work. It hadn't helped that because of his work in Intelligence, their son had been kidnapped and then he got shot again! Now Antonio is trying to move on and be the best dad in the time he gets with Eva and Diego while working to get some of the worst criminals in Chicago off the streets. He eventually wants to move on in the relationship game and maybe, just maybe... mend his broken heart. In the mean time, someone from Jay's past reappears in his life. What happens when Antonio meets the one person who would change everything? Rated M... lots of mature content and language... All rights reserved... I don't own Chicago PD nor the characters... some of the plot is similar to the series, but those belong to Dick Wolf and NBC. I however do own my own plot, characters and their intermingling within the story of Chicago PD. Some characters from Med and Fire will also be making appearances. This story is dedicated to my husband, Julio... my Dominican hero and personal editor and Grammar Nazi... ti quiero mi amor! Side note: Any and all Spanish and French is properly checked... the French is French Canadian... my native tongue and the Spanish is Dominican Spanish which is my husband's native tongue.


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The Rose...
by Hopeless-Romantic89