The Story of Kazuma...
By Kirikosao
  • Fanfiction
  • gaara
  • love
  • sory


Kazuma went to Suna when her little brother Naruto was born. She was three when the nine tails attacked. She became a jounin rank at the age of six and friends with Gaara when she was six. Before she left Suna at the age of eight she told Gaara she loved him with all her heart in more than a friendship way and gave Gaara the yang portion while she kept the yin portion and told Gaara that they were connected in many ways and never betray each other. She then left Suna. She traveled for a few days till she came to the mist village (Kirigakure) and ran into Zabuza and Haku. Zabuza took her under his wing for two years because she show'd potential. she left two years later and meet Kaiza, Inari, Tsunami, and Tazuna. They adopted her as their own daughter. When Gato came she saw Kaiza die in front of her and Inari. Kaiza was like a father to her. When she was thirteen she told Inari that she would be back in the future and gave him her Uzumaki necklace that hangs loosely around her neck telling him its a promise. Within the three following years she became an assassin and killed many rouge ninja and gang leaders. She became a wealthy assassin with a high price on her head in the bingo book named 'The Shadow Assassin'. She doesn't have a picture because all the pictures that were taken were blurry. She decided to head to Konoha to see her little brother. her story begins here when she first showed up at the gates. I plan to rewrite but don't know when! I DO NOT OWN NARUTO! I WISH I DID THEN ITACHI WOULD NEVER HAVE DIED! ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO

The Story of Kazuma Uzumaki ( Gaara love story)

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The Story...
by Kirikosao