Danny Phantom'...
By DannyPhantom15
  • Romance
  • dannyfentonxdannyphantom
  • dannyphantom15
  • dannyphantomxdannyfenton
  • raphaelhamato
  • teenagemutantninjaturtles


This is basically about Danny Fenton going threw his first ghost mating season. After finding out about this Danny still refuses to miss school due to his bad grades. Just a day away from the big day Danny is having a hard time controlling his inner self. Mean while at school Danny decides to lay low at school avoiding his two best friends Tucker Foley and Sam Manson. While at school Danny bumps into his main bully at school none other than Dash Baxter himself. After being pinned to the wall Danny lets out a small moan giving Dash the wrong idea which puts him in a situation he may not be able to get out of this time... Will Danny be able to find a way to suthe his sexual needs until the end of the month?! There's only one way to find out...... Later on in the story Fenton starts developing feelings for Phantom! What will happen when Phantom finds out? Does he feel the same way? When will this nightmare end?! We may never know!


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Danny Pha...
by DannyPhantom15