By MrStealYoJams
  • Paranormal
  • betrayal
  • crazymofos
  • heartbreak
  • nerd
  • paranormal
  • plottwists
  • romance
  • sociopath


Swear words and hysterical laughter filled the dark alley. About five guys wore black hoodies, with masks covering their faces. "I need more time" a voice pleaded. The voice filled me with familiarity. I knew the person. Ellie and I were behind the corner, watching the horrific scene play out. "We gave you five months. Where is it?" A voice in a dark growl shouted. He stood broad shouldered on front of the other four hooded figures, something told me he was the leader. The only light was the moon that was illuminating the sky above our heads. Stars were concealed behind the thick never ending fog that threatened to take away my vision from the scene. "Please, I'm not ready yet. I swear, I will be soon" the familiar voice begged. "You had time!" The leader shouted. Swear words rang from every voice hidden under the hoodies. One of the males grabbed out an object that glimmered from where Ellie and I stood behind the corner, watching in terror. It was a shiny gun. I wasn't a huge gun fanatic so I can't really say what kind of gun it was. I had no feeling of pity as much as I wanted to. Maybe the person deserved it. One by one the males grabbed out their guns. "No, no, no" Ellie cried in my hand. I pulled her close to me possessively to keep her from wanting to runaway. "Please, "Give me more time." "One, two, three" the leader counted down. At five he swore. Then all of his guys pulled on their triggers. This book wouldn't be a book if not for my best friend, Jasmine. I hope you enjoy it :)

Archangel-Chapter 1

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by MrStealYoJams