Truly; Madly Deeply
By everescent
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If you swim out to the middle of the San Francisco Bay, chant your full name three times; rumor has it you fall into some portal. Key word: RUMOR. All the stories I have heard about this people drowned, but there are a few survivors who have been 'officially deemed' crazy. I've been told I'm crazy, but its not official. Yet. Anyways, those few survivors are in confinement. They are said to have powerful hallucinations; only the actual patients insist they are real. Riley Canden is a dare-devil. She lives off of the thrill of adrenaline. Tell her to do something- she hardly ever has said no- and she will do it. Only if it comes to no harm to others... harm to herself, she would almost welcome it. When the bane of her existence- Julie Freedman- dares her (in a quite rude manner, might she add) to try and prove this rumor right or wrong, Riley agrees immediately. Mainly wanting to make a fool of the bitchy Julie, and partially wanting to quench her curiosity. What happens? Read and find out :D

Truly; Madly Deeply

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Truly; Ma...
by everescent