The Witch (naruto f...
By KitKittyKat01
  • Fanfiction


(Not edited.) Children were missing from most of the villages, only some were lucky enough to not be in this tragedy. Ninjas know what is happening, but can't stop it.It's not that they don't what to help they just can't do anything. The villages that the children went missing in saw a girl around 13 or so. She has been seen walking around the village a week before the children went missing. But the real problem is that the kids just don't go missing they were taken away. Around sunset she walks down the road straight towards the gates singing a enchanting song. The kids are put under a spell and they follow the girl to the gates. Mothers, fathers, and the ninjas try to stop them, but their hands went through the girl and the little kids. The parents cry and beg for them to come back as they walk into the shadows finishing the song and disappearing. The Leaf was one of the lucky ones and they sent help.

The Witch

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The Witch...
by KitKittyKat01