Make Me Happy
By unknown23
  • Romance


Happily ever after? That’s not going in Twinkles book. This story is about a basic daily life of a couple not meant to be together after marriage. Twinkle is chosen to marry Gabe, a handsome CEO of a well known toy company to pay for her parent’s debt. She swore to the sky that she would make his life miserable. While Gabe is fully in love with his wife, Gabe’s mom dislikes her for a lot of things. Mom and daughter in law fought day and night bringing the family apart day by day. The most important thing to Twinkle is money, and that is all that matters, she doesn’t believe in love so after they marry Twinkles starts working with her husband at TOH (the toy company) making a lot of money so she can move faraway from her husband. Can Gabe and his dad bring the family back together? Will he able to make his wife fall for him and open her eyes to find the true meaning of love?

The Vow and rules?

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Make Me H...
by unknown23