The Jump
By LouiseMunro2
  • Teen Fiction


Chapter 1 The voice I stood there I didn't know what to do run or stay . The thoughts in my head were horrendous I kept getting flash backs of when my mum jumped from the flat window and when I was lying phsically stared stiff in the corner of my room crying my eyes out . Eventually I heard a voice it said "hello is there any one there " I stayed still not one movement I heard this voice before it had came in to the flat once mum died when it first came in I hid in a cuboard in the attic the person kept on saying over and over again "there should be a child where is the child " . I will have him know I am 12 1/2 nearlly a teenager not a child a pre teen any way back to the voice this time i had hardly had any time too hide last time I had time too hide as the door was locked so they had to take of he lock just enough time for me too hide but this time there was no lock and no key and no way out I decided to run and hide in the cuboard in the kitchen the only thing realy left

Untitled Story Part

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The Jump
by LouiseMunro2