The Shadow Sight
By SillyGIRL888
  • Paranormal
  • demon
  • magic
  • shadow
  • sight
  • vampire
  • werewolf


Charlotte O’Hara has never been normal. She has strange, violent dreams. Her bone white cat is more unlucky than the poet he is named after. And even the shadows seem to stir in her peculiar company. And though she is often alone with her sketchbook, she oddly likes it that way. But when a great mind is left to itself, strange things begin to happen. The horror Charlotte sees in her dreams are beginning to occur, with striking similarity, in the real world. Her beloved cat is starting to act less like a cat and more like a monster. And the shadows. The shadows are changing, forming into creatures of darkness more sinister than the hell they came from. And for some reason, they seem to take a liking to Charlotte. One strange knocking sound, one ancient prophesy, and a boy with glowing eyes. No one can save Charlotte from the nightmare she is about to live…not even death.

Chpater One

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The Shado...
by SillyGIRL888