On The Wings of Lov...
By aimallari_imshyai
  • Romance
  • clark
  • leah


Someone once told me love is like a bird.And if you're going to love someone, you will love the way a bird should be loved.Take it,Take care of it,Put it in a cage and love it.Love it with all your heart.But if it wants to leave,If it wants to fly away,don't stop it.Let it go.Let it fly.Because if it truly loves you,It will come back to you.But what if the one you love,What if the bird suddenly got lost and couldn't find a way home?And even if it wants to,It can't return anymore.Someone once told me that love is like a bird.But I hope it's not just any bird.I think if you're going to love,Love the way a dove loves.That's true love.Ready to say goodbye,ready to let go.Because you know that no matter how many times it leaves it will keep coming back.Maybe not as quick as you want but it will come back.It may leave again,Yes,but what matter is it will come back.


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On The Wi...
by aimallari_imshyai