Letters I Never Gav...
By YashadaSawant
  • Romance
  • crush
  • faith
  • forever
  • friendship
  • life
  • love
  • romance
  • secret
  • yourstoryindia


Does having a crush means only pain and hurt? If you asked me this question few years ago I would have said a yes until I met this person. The person with black spects, 32 perfectly aligned teeth, a smile that would brighten up anyone's day and a personality to die for. This story is about Yana Shades and Aaron Harris. Having a crush doesn't mean pain and hurt it means transforming into a better person each new day. So, what is a better person? The answer to this question is in these letters where Yana tells Aaron how he influences her to be what she never even thought of being. Aaron inspires Yana from waking up early in the morning with a smile on her face to waking up her from her dream world and biding people goodbyes with no hard feelings. This story is about Yana and her greatest strength Aaron who teaches her to accept herself with all her scars and wounds and also tells her to keep the past in the past. I hope y'all enjoy the story! #121 on 16th March

Will have to wait for it...

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Letters I...
by YashadaSawant