My Wolf [Boo Boo St...
By ForgiveMy7Sins
  • Werewolf
  • fantasy
  • love
  • supernatural
  • twilight
  • wolf


Since I was small, I knew someone watched me every time I went to spend vacations alone with my grandma. What I didn't know, was that the one observing me, was a wolf. My grams lives in the middle of a forest entrance in France, and its always cold, it snows regularly and the wood animals come out often. Squirrels, bunnies, birds of many kinds, even boars. But wolves, I had no idea lived there too. I never saw them, but I heard them howling some nights. Ever since that night I was about to get bitten by a snake while walking the little white dog, and that wolf killed the snake to protect me. Ever since those golden shiny eyes looked at me and ran off. I've been close with wolves. I even started developping a kind of wolf instinct and for good reason. Like if I was in a pack. Although I'm no wolf, I'm a human. And my name is Sam.

My Wolf

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My Wolf [...
by ForgiveMy7Sins