The Waves of Regret...
By QueenOfStripes
  • Poetry
  • cowardice
  • fear
  • inspirational
  • poem
  • regrets
  • sadness
  • standingupforyourself


This is not a rhyming poem, obviously, but a poem that is meant to send an inspirational message. That if you have any regrets, or sins that agonize you day after day, all you have to do is shut them away. Try not to pay attention to them because it weakens one even more, and fighting to ignore them may release the stress. Oceans are extremely large, and there are always waves, even if they're small. The waves roll into the shore, bringing more and more sand out into the ocean. The sand symbolizes your bravery, everything left of you that makes you sane. The waves symbolize your regrets and the stress weighing you down. So if you ignore the waves, drying out the ocean, there would no longer be waves dragging out your sanity.

The Waves of Regretful Sin

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The Waves...
by QueenOfStripes