I'm Trapped In...
By riveroflostorhappy
  • Random
  • fox
  • kamisama
  • kiss
  • shorts
  • teen
  • tomoe
  • under
  • werewolf
  • wolves


Rebooted story. Following the instructions of a misguided friend, you try to discover the reason for your random, often bizarre fever dreams about a popular Anime you watched throughout your younger years. As things take a turn for the worse, and your dreams slowly become more corrupt, odd things start to happen throughout your lucid life. Until you realize, that you're on your own now, against something that isn't even human with the capabilities to burst you, and anyone you love into flames. It's too late to turn back, it's too late to call for help, you need to save yourself and figure out who or what is playing this twisted joke on you. Can't be that hard. (Cover is NOT mine, I do not claim any ownership over it whatsoever. If the cover belongs to you, or you know who created it PLEASE tell me so I can ask permission and properly credit it. I will change it if the owner does not want me to use it in this sense.)

The Storm

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by riveroflostorhappy