Turtle Rain
By moochika
  • Fantasy
  • cub
  • future
  • heroine
  • mutants
  • orphans
  • tiger


"I know you will. You have already given all of us hope." She started to turn away but stopped. When she looked at me I looked at her as well. "You might not be his mom, but you are better than any mom he could of had." I was shocked at her statement and just watched her. She didn't move, and as if answering my unasked question, she started to speak again. "Because you can do anything, and you will do everything." She finally turned and walked over to a couple of other people. Flair's life keeps taking a left turn when she wants to go right. She has to fight of mutations while keeping her son safe. She has plenty of secrets but her clan of Gate Hoppers don't mind. They are willing to wait for her to share her secrets when she is ready. The first they want to know is the secret of her 'son', why she really took in the tiger cub and most off all the strange markings covering all of her weapons.

Turtle Rain

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Turtle Ra...
by moochika