Disconnected - A No...
By ImmerAlleine
  • Science Fiction
  • ash
  • brush
  • disconnected
  • immer
  • sage
  • sagent
  • wood


The main character, Sagent, has recently been disconnected from The Cell where she was a tiny spark apart of a network connected to Mother (the Mother Board). After she began to feel things, something impossible for an AI nerve cell, Sagent begun to ask questions. These question's raised alarms and she was ejected from the Mother and then disconnected from The Cell. This process shuts down, or Kill's, 99% of disconnected "Viruses" or Human's. People from one-thousand years ago, known merely as the Technician's, placed seven billion human lifeforces into a system known as Taria. From here they were plugged into The Cell and then connected into the Mother, they were meant to stay here until the Technician's awoke them but after five-hundred centuries a male known as Ash Wood was Ejected and then Disconnected into Taria. Two centuries later four females were aborted from the Cell but all were unable to survive being away from the Mother. Then, when hope seemed dim, Sagent was Disconnected. As we know, she survived and is ready to share her experiances as she strives to find the 'meaning of life' and 'what it means to be truly alive'. Ash Wood, a lonely and strange indivisual, is soon tethered to Sagent and learns his view of life is nothing compared to the view Sagent soon show's him.

Disconnected - A Novella

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by ImmerAlleine