By izzyneongreen
  • Adventure
  • elementalists
  • feminism
  • headquarters
  • sword
  • witchblade


Imagine a world without guns, or bombs, or projectile weapons of any kind. Imagine a world where we stand faithful with our swords and daggers. Well that's my world. Guns, bombs, bow and arrows were all ideas but they left as quickly as they came. Though, the swords get better as technology increases. Though our swords aren't necessarily just based on technology. We have elements that our swords are made of and we can learn to control them as well. I am and fifteen years old. I grew up and work on my oldest brother's farm. I have been going to battle camp since age thirteen. I go to school like all the other kids. No one really knows who I am. I was always the kid in the back of the class with their hood up and hair in their face. The only thing people know about me is not to mess with me. I was youngest trainee to beat a trainer at battle camp. I always thought friends and emotions were overrated. I was the kind of person to keep to myself and work harder than my best. Oh and one more thing... I am a girl.

Naki & Family

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by izzyneongreen