Zee! (on hiatus)
By poltergeist_people
  • Science Fiction
  • alien
  • alien-huamn
  • aliengirl
  • cute
  • human
  • interracial
  • interspecies
  • kawaii
  • love
  • orangegirl
  • romance
  • warrior


Earth, meet Zee. Zee meet Earth. When an alien girl crashes right into the back yard of a human man, the world was set to change as they knew it...sort of..kind of.. okay no not really, every orange alien crashing onto earth does that. But Keiran Jay, a computer hacker known as 'Jay Bird', his world on the other hand. is never going to be the same again. Not when he has a very hands on X'sonian warrior following him around and drinking all his beer. ~~ "...What the fuck is this?" The weird ass orange chick froze half of the beer bottle stuffed into her mouth, "mmmmm!" I blinked. "Are you seriously drinking my beer?!" She pulled the bottle from her lips and flipped up from the ground, grinning ear to ear, "Zee!" I stared blankly at it. "Alright whatever, you cannot drink my beer, that my beer. as in I bought it. I need it to get drunk, you do not need it to practice perfecting the blow job." She blinked at me with her bright green eyes, head cocking to the side. Then she reached into my fridge, pulled out another one of my beers and popped the cap with her fang, letting out a tiny giggle before downing the whole thing in one go. I glared at her, "Okay thats it, i'm shoving you in a crate and shipping your ass to area fifty-one." She hissed at me. She fucking hissed at me.

Ch 1: I Think Santa Gave me a Serial Killer.

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Zee! (on...
by poltergeist_people