Captain Jackson
By WillTreaty10
  • Fanfiction
  • captainjackson
  • heartbreak
  • hoo
  • jurney
  • nicodiangalo
  • percyjackson
  • pirates
  • pjo
  • renya
  • war


Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, but was better known as the Sea Wolf, captain of the Moon Dagger. A man with no mercy, who left a path of destruction in his wake. In reality, Percy's crew of misfits sailed the seven seas in search of ships to ransack and adventure, helping any demigods they found along the way. Their way of life was simple and peaceful. But what happens when wars on the horizon and the gods try to destroy Percy's peace? Will Percy go quietly into a war he had no part in, or will he fight in every way to stay away and keep his crew from the front lines? (A/N) This is my first fanfic so I apologize if it gets confusing at some points. Also, I have bad grammar when it comes to commas and such. Updates will now be weekly, and I'm bad at summaries. So yeah...

Chapter One

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Captain J...
by WillTreaty10