The Mermaid and the...
By briannalorincz
  • Fanfiction
  • finding
  • gruvia
  • mermaid
  • romance
  • shark
  • yourself


Juvia is a mermaid who decides that she wants to see the humans. So she decides to go ahead and go up to the surface. As she gets closer she sees a boat; and is immediately drawn to the boat. She swims up to the boat to see more of it. Then suddenly someone smacks into her; and gets her away from the boat. She is immediately surprised by this occurrence is about to tell the person off until she sees a harpoon that would have hit her. As she is about to thank her savior she realizes its a shark! What will happen next?? ps Juvia wil speak normally while thinking; and in 3rd while talking. Also I don't own the Fairy tale anime. None of the characters are mine except for what I made up.

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The Merma...
by briannalorincz