Mend a broken heart...
By CrazyRoleplayKitty
  • Fanfiction
  • feelz
  • gay
  • love
  • sadness
  • sasunaru


Really feelsy okay I warned you Naruto and Sasuke are both all alone dealing with depression Naruto seems like the life of the party, he acts like nothing is ever wrong... But what about behind closed doors? What does he always wear those long sleeves? Truth is, Naruto hates himself as much as he hates life, but there is a light. Naruto was never much liked, and he knew this. The older kids always bullied him, leaving him to drag himself to his empty house and dress to his own cuts and bruises. But will this raven cure the boy or will they both end up agrave? Sasuke never really had any friends, but he always looked up to his older brother. Especially after their parents died in a horrible accident. Itachi was always by Sasuke, he was his light, but one day Itachi fell really ill and slipped into a coma... He hasn't woken up since. Ever since then Sasuke's beautiful pale skin is laced with cuts and scars... Though unlike Naruto Sasuke was surrounded by people. That is until Naruto.

Dreams alive

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Mend a br...
by CrazyRoleplayKitty