Invisible Love
By xXsabribriXx
  • Romance
  • board
  • ghost
  • halloween
  • invisible
  • love
  • moonlight
  • ouija
  • romance
  • sonata


You’re born; you live your marvelous, lengthy, lust-filled life, die and go to Heaven or Hell, right? Well, not exactly. For instance, take Skylar Duchaney, supposedly 16 year-old, technically almost-90 year old. Impossible right? No. Skylar is a ghost. And has been for the past 72 years, stuck in her old house by a spell. She died on the night of October 31st, 1938, by a house fire. Since then, she’s been stuck in her house, unable to leave, and invisible to others. But, one day, the Pierce’s move into the house and their 13 year old daughter Ella Rose notices Skylar. How does Ella Rose see her? That question is still unanswered. But, one that is for sure is that Sky is attracted to Ella Rose’s unmistakably hot brother, Jayden. Despite her feeble attempts, Ella Rose tries to show Jayden that Skylar is real. But will it work? And what will happen if it does?

Invisible Love ~ 1

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by xXsabribriXx