Blog Wars
By tintedmelodies
  • Teen Fiction
  • blogging
  • dreams
  • romance
  • teen
  • teenfiction


‟It's on, it'll be a war.‟ ‟Correction, it'll be a Blog War‟ Cara Colt and Kaiden Perez have been working for years on their own individual blogs. Blogging like there was no tomorrow until... Their reality became a dream. The pair of bloggers go against each other, blogging, seeing who can get the most views and follows on their blog after a year. They have a surreal chance to put ONE of their names next to the famous line of bloggers, but, as always, things get in the way. They find out things about each other, that is truly shocking and they both have to deal with their personal lives. Cara has to deal with annoying step-brother and her grades, as for Kaiden he has to deal with his father and his sister. Join Kaiden and Cara in an unforgettable adventure. Where they find out who they really are and how their blogs have saved lives. TintedMelodies © 2016

Blog Wars

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Blog Wars
by tintedmelodies