Not so Big Brother
By NuttyThenutjob
  • Fanfiction
  • aquatic
  • donatello
  • family
  • fantasy
  • friendship
  • leonardo
  • littlebrotherleo
  • littleleo
  • michelangelo
  • ninjaturtles
  • non-romance
  • nonromance
  • raphael
  • reveals
  • secrets
  • siren
  • splinter
  • teenagemutantninjaturtles
  • texttospeech
  • tmnt
  • youngleo


"Looks like we meet again, hot head." I smirked as Raph came into view. His head was so red from fuming he could've just explode! "A'right kid, give me back my sai. Now." He growled. "You mean that salad tong? Why? Vegetarian?" All hail me for the amazing comebacks, thank you thank you. "I ain't have no time ta mess around kid. Just turn around and gimme back my sai and i'll consider this over." I rolled my eyes. "Dude, i'm 14. I'm not a kid." ---------------------------------------------------------- Who would've thunk the Ol' Fearless big brother blue leader is actually the youngest? And who knows, there are still secrets kept in store.. ---- NON-ROMANCE STORY. PURE BROTHERLY/FRIENDSHIP FLUFF. Ch.1-2 is written kinda hapzardly, may edit later. The story gradually turns better at Ch.3 or 4. Relationship mostly revolves around Raph's friendship first because it's easier for me to connect with him. Donnie and Mikey will eventually came up. On later chapters. Eventually. Disclaimer : I DON'T OWN THESE TERRAPINS EXCEPT AO. ((Well not really since he's- oh just read this already!)) 《WARNING》 SO CRAZY. MUCH RANDOM. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M THINKING WHEN WRITING THIS. OH. AND TERRIBLE PUNS, JOKES, REFERENCES, YA KNOW ALL THE BASIC NYC LIFE IS IN HERE. READING THIS CAN BE HAPZARDOUS TO YOUR MENTAL HEALTH (sorta)IF YOU ARE NOT FROM NYC BECAUSE INSANITY DUH. AND I STRONGLY RECCOMEND NOT TO READ THIS IN PUBLIC DUE TO SOME PROTESTS AUTHOR KEEPS GETTING FROM PREVIOUS READERS. AND DON'T READ THIS WHILE EATING OR DRINKING OR DOING ANYTHING. EXCEPT BREATHING. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.

1. Ao

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Not so Bi...
by NuttyThenutjob