Separate Halves
By cuddles2405
  • Fanfiction
  • hurt
  • love
  • naruto
  • neji
  • sasuke
  • sister
  • story
  • twin


2 years. It has been two years since I've lost my freedom, since I've felt happiness. My life the past two years have been hell. Actually, I think hell is lightly describing it. I don't think satan would be this cruel. I'm still holding my grudge against Sasuke for dragging me here with him. I mean, he doesn't even pay any attention to me anymore. Well, at least Kabuto kept me company, he's actually not that bad. Orochimaru though, he's another story. I've been trying to escape this hell hole for the past few months now, but failed each time. I swear that snake is stalking me. But, this time, I will be free once more. The Leaf has changed so much, everyone changed as well. Guess everyone grows up some time, I'm just sad that I won't be able to go through the rest of my life with Sasuke by my side. ______________________ Sorry for the crappy summary thingy I am bad at these things >.<

Freedom. Finally.

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by cuddles2405