Trouvaille (Yandere...
By NicYandere
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • manga
  • nicyandere
  • reader
  • sensei
  • student
  • teacher
  • xreader
  • yandere
  • yanderexreader
  • yangire


WARNING: This is a story that I wrote when I was 12/13 years old, which means this book has A LOT of grammar and spelling errors. While the errors might be the least of your problems, if you're looking for a proper Yandere! Teacher story, you will not find it here as the story itself is garbage and wasn't really put well together when I was writing it as a 12 year old. I am not going to update this book anymore or 'fix' it, as I have completely lost interest in it now as a 16 year old. However, this is the book that carried this account and got me to a thousand followers, and I should thank it for that. Which is why I don't have the heart to delete it nor unpublish it. Nonetheless, if you still want to read it, you may continue to do so. Just expect yourself to cringe. -★- I am alive, But i feel dead and invisible I am shy, But i feel outgoing and alive deep inside I go through life broken, But i have no reason to be I go on as a wandering soul, When really all i am is a girl without a voice I am nothing special, But i am me ''I hide my emotions so no one can see how vulnerable i am.''

♥I N T R O D U C T I O N

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by NicYandere