Not another Dramion...
By nomoreupdates
  • Fanfiction
  • draco
  • dramione
  • granger
  • harrypotter
  • hermione
  • hippogriff
  • hogwarts
  • lavender
  • magic
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  • potter
  • ron
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It seems like ever Draco and Hermione love story is the same, with Draco always mean to Hermione, but never regretful, and no sorts, but in this version, you will get to know the soft side of Draco, and learn the reason for the hard side of Draco (given to us by the great JK Rowling). It seems as though Ron and Hermione may have come to an end, finally in Draco's mind, but in Hermione's mind, lavender causes the downfall of a fairytale love story. She wished that she could go back a year, and never marry Ron, so she wouldn't go through the pain, but she stayed put, going through every emotion imaginable. Hate. Love. Sadness. Anger. Disgust. Confusion. Joy. She felt hate because Ron married her, and then broke her heart only one year after. She felt love, because she knew it would all work in her favor one day, and she would finally be able to find real love. She felt sadness, because she (in her mind) lost her true love. She felt anger, because he broke a vow to her, and lavender brown stole her family, even though she knows that Ron and lavender will only last about a month or two. She felt disgust, because of the picture of Ron and lavender together, made her skin crawl. She felt confusion, because she couldn't understand how Ron could go from her to a slut like lavender in such a short time period. And finally, she felt joy because she knew that one day she would have someone else, and Ron would never be able to take back what he did. Throughout the surprises, will Hermione ever realize that the perfect guy for her, was always there, but just in a different house.


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by nomoreupdates