The Powerful Luna
By BeautyPQueen38
  • Werewolf
  • fiction
  • luna
  • powerful
  • rejection
  • romance
  • werewolf


Veronica Smith was an average girl, trying to pass high school, so she could leave the pain behind of everyone abusing her. She was bullied all the time at school and at the pack house. Mainly consisting of the high-ranked werewolves including the soon-to-be-alpha of the Nightfall Pack, Jason Black. A day before her birthday, her cousin, Emily, tells her where she came from and who her parents are. What she didn't expect was that it went far beyond her and that it would change her life forever. Then, after her birthday, she finds out that Jason is her mate, but is rejected. Because of this, she sets the decision of leaving the pack with all of her friends and cousin. She will have the opportunity to meet new people to which she will do anything to keep them safe. With the pain, anger, sadness, betrayal, and other strong emotions building up in her, she makes decisions that will affect her for the good, or the evil. Join the journey Veronica will have to go through in order to set peace in the supernatural world. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There will be strong language involved in this story. Just letting all of you guys know.

Chapter 1

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The Power...
by BeautyPQueen38