Gay Superstitions
By Dannielliebear
  • Teen Fiction
  • bisexual
  • boyxboy
  • forbidden
  • gay
  • homosexual
  • love
  • romance
  • teenfiction


Colten hasn't had the easiest life. He's dealt with the killing of his parents, the suicide of his cousin and the struggles of him trying to keep hold of the last part of sanity that he has left. As Colt's depression increased, his hope plummeted. Everything felt distant. He felt like he wasn't able to reach out to anyone, because no one would understand or appreciate it. He thought that there was nothing that could help his state, and there wasn't a place in the world for him anymore. That was until he met Elijah. A college boy that has an answer to improve on each of Colten's struggles. A boy that understands the pain he's going through, even if it isn't something that he has personally experienced. A boy that puts a smile on Colt's face without any words escaping his mouth. A boy that Colten fell for. As Colten's faith found the ability to grow, society around him was collapsing. After he had turned 15, a few laws changed. Homosexuality became illegal once again, and anyone who showed any affection, romantic or not, towards the same gender was killed on the spot. Despite the fact that there were multiple news reports broadcasted every day of various shootings, Colten and Elijah's relationship didn't have too much of a toil. But then the government court on, and Colt's world collapsed once more. Warning: This story has scenes about depression and self harm (sort of), so if that isn't something you particularly like reading, this isn't the best story for you.

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Gay Super...
by Dannielliebear