The Scars Still Hur...
By ThifaD
  • Teen Fiction
  • romance


A girl, name Cherelle Williams, has had a bad break up about 4 years ago. Her ex- boyfriend cheated on her with a girl name Daniela. After that bad break up, Cherelle told herself that she wasn't going to fall for another man again because everyone she runs into breaks her heart and leaves a scar in her heart every time. She told herself this after that bad break up until she meet this guy name James Carter. She knew James for a year now. One night when, Moesha, Cherelle's roommate, brought James house, James told Cherelle his feeling for her. Cherelle didn't want to date him but after one night, after getting to know him, something big started. Soon Cherelle expressed her feelings too and they started going out. They started a relationship and was soon interrupted my people along their way. This guy, name Brandon Allen that Cherelle met in the park, started having feeling for her too but Cherelle turned him down because she was with James. Cherelle, in the beginning, wanted to take things slow with James until one night, when things actually got serious. Still in Cherelle's mind she was still hurting and didn't want to be heart broken again. James tired to fix it but she said, "The scars still hurt." Will she give her heart up to Brandon or will she turn him down?

Chapter 1: The Guy at the Park

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The Scars...
by ThifaD