Rediscovering moi
By Aspire4more
  • Teen Fiction


Sara Anderson. The Very face on billboard's and poster's around the world. Sara is a top model for the perfume and make-up company, Oiblr. The most popular and well- sold brand in the world. With Sarah as the cover-girl for all their products, the bright young woman doesn't stand a chance at normality. When, a child labor case is brought against Sara, she is forced to return home for one year until she is 18 as the case states. Will this high glam super-model be remembered in her quaint little town as the girl from 2 years ago, or 17-year old super model? Can her former -'unsupportive' in Sara's terms- friends help her discover the girl she used to be? Maybe Sara is that girl still, but masks it with sarcasm, critism, out-right bitchyness at times and a layer of make-up. Get the insight into a girl who puts make-up on, to sheild herself from the outside world. So she can hide who she really IS.

Rediscovering Me

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by Aspire4more