The Pieces He Needs
By Perfecxion
  • Romance
  • love
  • perfecxion
  • romance


Ben Davis is a therapist. Amanda Higgins is broken. When the beautiful Amanda starts taking therapy, Ben can't help but fall for her. The only problem was she already had a boyfriend, Sam, and he wasn't a very nice one at that. Can Ben help her realise that Sam isn't all that she's made him out to be? Will he be able to show her what she's really worth? What happens when he realises she can't be fixed? "As soon as you smiled at me, my fear whisked away like a bunch of fruit-flies caught in a heavy gust of wind. Excitement rushed through my veins. Happiness flared in your eyes and for the first time in a while it began to in mine too. Even if the world around me started collapsing, my heart would not get crushed as long as I was looking at you." - Ronnie Cover credit to AndreaDarna :) Go check her out xx *All rights reserved*

Chapter one ↠

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The Piece...
by Perfecxion