The Lost World Found
By FlutistBandGeek
  • Fanfiction
  • ally
  • cybermen
  • doctorwho
  • gallifrey
  • tardis
  • thedoctor


Everyone knows that this universe is large and vast, everyone knows anything could happen. There is, although, one girl that believes only in science and fact. She doesn't believe in opinions unless they are necessary for her work. Meet Ally, a young woman who will not rest until her work is near finished. Ally has lost many things, which caused her to shut people out and believe in science alone. She lost her home, her family, her friends... All of her life was lost as a child. Ally hates seeing others suffer. She has suffered more than she can even begin to tell, so she wants suffering and war to end. As a young scientist, Ally hypothesized that se will be able to quit other's suffering. That only leads to one question. How will she do it without suffering herself? She thought about that day and night, and one day she hears an odd noise from the garden in her back yard. She walks out there and comes face-to-face with the biggest mystery in her life.

The Lost World Found: Introduction

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The Lost...
by FlutistBandGeek