Chained (on hold)
By TerraTheTerrible
  • Romance
  • blood
  • boyslove
  • characterdeath
  • characterdevelopement


Blood Splattered against the wall as the sound of breaking glass echoed throughout the room. Burning eyes filled with anger stared down at the young child as they clutched their arm in their hand as red seeped through their small fingers. The child's eyes stared in shock at their father, who was usually more lenient towards the child. "It's your fault that woman left me!" The father snapped, pausing briefly before he continued on in his unleashed rage. "You seduced her, didn't you?" A mixed understanding lit in the child's young eyes and cause the father to chuckle cruelly as soon as he spotted the thing he was searching for. "Well, it's not my problem anymore." The father's voice was a scary calm in an ocean of chaos. "You are twelve years old already; you should be smart enough to figure out the rest." The child's eyes began to fill with unshed tears, a sign of weakness that only hardened their father's resolve. "Wha-What do you mean?" The child's confusion was obvious as they stuttered out the last of their courage. The sound of a sickening cackle rang out in the eerie silence. "I've sold you." ............... Currently being edited and re-posted in order to continue on with the story.


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Chained (...
by TerraTheTerrible